6 Phone Etiquette Rules At The Dinner Table

Unsplash Photos

Do you remember the good old days when people actually talked to each other at the dinner table instead of scrolling through their phones? As much as we love our devices, it's important to remember that there's a time and place for everything, and that includes phone usage at the dinner table. Here are six phone etiquette rules to follow during mealtime:

  1. Keep Your Phone Off the Table

We get it - your phone is practically an extension of your hand. But trust us, it's not going anywhere. When you're at the dinner table, it's important to give your full attention to the people you're with. Putting your phone on the table sends the message that you're more interested in your device than the people around you. Keep your phone in your pocket or purse, and if you absolutely must check it, excuse yourself from the table.

2. No, You Can't Instagram Your Food

Food is an art form, and we totally understand the impulse to share it with the world. But before you snap that perfect shot of your meal, ask yourself: is it really necessary? Taking photos of your food can be distracting and take away from the conversation at the table. Plus, nobody wants to wait while you get the perfect angle. If you must take a picture, ask your dining companions if they're okay with it first, and keep it quick.

The dining table isn't the place for your phone. When you are dining you should put your phone on silent and place it in your handbag. Leaving your phone on the dining table is considered rude behaviour. Respect the people you’re dining with by not checking your phone constantly.

The dining table isn't the place for your phone. When you are dining you should put your phone on silent and place it in your handbag. Leaving your phone on the dining table is considered rude behaviour. Respect the people you’re dining with by not checking your phone constantly.

3. Handle Important Calls With Discretion

If you know you're expecting an important phone call during dinner, let your companions know ahead of time. When the call comes in, excuse yourself from the table and take it in another room or outside. Don't leave your phone on the table or answer the call at the table - it's disruptive and shows a lack of consideration for the people around you.

4. Use Your Smartwatch Sparingly

A smartwatch can be a great way to discreetly check notifications without pulling out your phone. However, constantly looking at your watch can be just as distracting as constantly checking your phone. Keep your watch on silent, and only glance at it when absolutely necessary.

5. Google with Discretion

Let's face it - sometimes you just need to Google something. If you absolutely must look something up, make sure it's relevant to the conversation and that you're not interrupting anyone. Better yet, ask someone else at the table if they know the answer - it's a great way to keep the conversation flowing.

6. Phone Etiquette is for Everyone

Contrary to popular belief, phone etiquette isn't just for millennials. No matter your age, it's important to remember that the people at the table are more important than your phone. Make an effort to be present in the moment and enjoy the company of the people around you. Your phone will still be there when you're done.



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